Sserlet Publish time 2022-1-3 18:44:59

DSO2D15: no trace + no reaction to buttons after swithing to 8Mpt buffer


I recently bought a Hantek DSO2D15. I switched the buffer size from the default 4kpt to 8Mpt, and since then I have no trace on my DO (I do see the labels), and it does not react anymore to any button or knob.
I did several times a power off and power on again, but with no effect: the screen comes up with all the labels, but there is no trace, and it does not react at all to pushing buttons or turning knobs.

Is there a way to restore it to default setup? Needless to say that the button "default setup" does not work, so I would need another way.


wangshuang Publish time 2022-1-4 10:42:07

Please send me the serial number,

Sserlet Publish time 2022-1-4 14:44:28

I have sent you an E-mail. Thank you for your help.

Vagrex Publish time 2022-1-25 07:42:13

I have exactly the same problem. When i switched to 8Mpt it stucked and i can't do anything.
Is there any solution?
model: DSO2C15

Vagrex Publish time 2022-1-28 18:28:27

I was be able to unstuck it by doing update. For some reason utility button worked. But now there is a problem about which there is another thread, the Issue with higher memory depth here. The higher memory depth was the reason of stuck problem so i beleave that the two problems are related.

wangshuang Publish time 2022-2-12 09:55:05

Vagrex replied at 2022-1-25 07:42
I have exactly the same problem. When i switched to 8Mpt it stucked and i can't do anything.

Please email me the serial number.

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