Davidalfa Publish time 2022-5-13 02:42:53

DSO2000 / DSO2X1X series GPL source code available?

Edited by Davidalfa at 2022-5-22 13:47

I wonder where I can download the GPL source code for this device? Linux is GPL and should be free and readily available for everyone.
Hantek already did this with older oscilloscopes, why not with this one?
This device has a lot of potential, sales would boost a lot if the community was able to contribute and enhance it.
Also consider releasing part of phoenix/anolis, we could also improve it!


Davidalfa Publish time 2022-5-28 02:02:09

Linux and U-boot are GPL, sources must be released or it would be violating GPL license.

dirtmover Publish time 2022-5-31 10:29:57

I agree with what others are saying. The way I see it you have 3 choices:
1. Hire some talented software engineers and sort out your crappy software. Issue regular releases that actually fix known issues and add new features. Grow your customer base by focusing on making quality products with great support
2. Keep the status quo. Continue to firefight issues without really fixing them while breaking other aspects of the code at the same time. Continue to get poor reviews that highlight your reputation for cheap but low quality products.
3. Open the source to a community of smart and devoted followers who have the time and knowledge to elevate this product out of "toy" status.

Given your current code is mediocre at best I support the idea of open source. I've been designing real time embedded software, firmware and DSP algorithms for communications equipment for 30 years.I'd be happy to contribute some time and expertise to further this product.

morgan_flint Publish time 2022-5-22 10:00:56

I agree with Davidalfa. The code should be released, at least partially, according to Linux GPL license.

Also would be very good for the sales of the scope (we're talking about DSO2x1X series). If Hantek would make their source code open source, at least partially, there are many people out there willing to make enhancements by their own means, adding value (and potential customers) to the product.Other cases of products that have gone open source demonstrate this.

Jing Publish time 2022-5-13 21:13:31

Sorry, the code is not open to the public

pupkinv Publish time 2022-5-22 10:40:42

Davidalfa is one of the locomotives in improving software for this scope on eevblog. He made many improvements for this device and community of the owners is very grateful for this work. The opening of the source code would help to make it really great. I'm join the request.

Leadpumper Publish time 2022-5-23 23:42:03

I second this request. I think it would benefit Hantek as well. Just think about all those extra devices you could sell once the firmware is top notch!

Also, open sourcing would give the community the option to implement features that Hantek would not be able to support. It would make for a much more lucrative device!

Maxie Publish time 2022-5-25 02:19:17

I support the idea of open source SW.
I myself would spend some time studying the code.
The only downside I see, when sales increase, the price goes up too.

arturmariojr@gmail.com Publish time 2022-6-10 12:09:15

Ir would be great having suporte to fix the software of this scope.

Davidalfa Publish time 2022-6-10 14:05:33

Please comply the GPL and release the kernel sources.
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