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Title: Troubleshooting Hantek 2D72 [Print this page]

Author: amy    Time: 2022-3-25 16:52
Title: Troubleshooting Hantek 2D72

Customer Consultation

I went to update the firmware to the new version htx2021090901.  And now it no longer works and does not connect the USB port.  Only the red light on the on key is blinking.  What procedure should I do? Is there any technical assistance here in Brazil that works with the brand?

Author: amy    Time: 2022-3-25 17:01

Please refer to the video to operate(use the power adapter to supply power, press F1 and hold on, and press power button), and check whether the indicator light in the lower right corner flashes red and green.


Author: schaefer    Time: 2022-4-1 05:32
Somente pisca o led vermelho. Necessito da localiza??o dos pontos de rx, TX e gnd para colocar a interface ttl para USB o pcb board dos modelos anteriores é diferente do modelo 2d72.

Author: schaefer    Time: 2022-4-1 05:34
Enviei email para o Amy com fotos do pcb do 2d72 para que me informasse exatamente onde est?o localizados está conex?o.

Author: schaefer    Time: 2022-4-1 05:36
Será necessário atualizar a memória flash para que ele possa fazer o boot novamente.

Author: amy    Time: 2022-4-1 10:31

Please refer to the attachment.


Author: schaefer    Time: 2022-4-1 21:51
The pcb board of this model 2d72 not the same as previous models. (2d42 and others)
I need the location of the points on the pcb of this model where rx, tx and gnd are located so that I can reinstall the flash memory.
To then use the UART interface and then use the ARM1 software.
I tested the procedure sent by Amy, but it did not work and the led remains red and the unit does not turn on.

Author: schaefer    Time: 2022-4-1 23:42
Obrigado Amy pelo arquivo. Infelizmente mesmo conectado a porta com o computador n?o reconhece o dispositivo.

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