Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: DSO2000 / DSO2X1X series GPL source code available? [Print this page]

Author: Davidalfa    Time: 2022-5-13 02:42
Title: DSO2000 / DSO2X1X series GPL source code available?
Edited by Davidalfa at 2022-5-22 13:47

I wonder where I can download the GPL source code for this device? Linux is GPL and should be free and readily available for everyone.
Hantek already did this with older oscilloscopes, why not with this one?
This device has a lot of potential, sales would boost a lot if the community was able to contribute and enhance it.
Also consider releasing part of phoenix/anolis, we could also improve it!


Author: Jing    Time: 2022-5-13 21:13

Sorry, the code is not open to the public

Author: morgan_flint    Time: 2022-5-22 10:00
I agree with Davidalfa. The code should be released, at least partially, according to Linux GPL license.

Also would be very good for the sales of the scope (we're talking about DSO2x1X series). If Hantek would make their source code open source, at least partially, there are many people out there willing to make enhancements by their own means, adding value (and potential customers) to the product.  Other cases of products that have gone open source demonstrate this.

Author: pupkinv    Time: 2022-5-22 10:40
Davidalfa is one of the locomotives in improving software for this scope on eevblog. He made many improvements for this device and community of the owners is very grateful for this work. The opening of the source code would help to make it really great. I'm join the request.

Author: Leadpumper    Time: 2022-5-23 23:42
I second this request. I think it would benefit Hantek as well. Just think about all those extra devices you could sell once the firmware is top notch!

Also, open sourcing would give the community the option to implement features that Hantek would not be able to support. It would make for a much more lucrative device!

Author: Maxie    Time: 2022-5-25 02:19
I support the idea of open source SW.
I myself would spend some time studying the code.
The only downside I see, when sales increase, the price goes up too.

Author: Davidalfa    Time: 2022-5-28 02:02
Linux and U-boot are GPL, sources must be released or it would be violating GPL license.

Author: dirtmover    Time: 2022-5-31 10:29
I agree with what others are saying. The way I see it you have 3 choices:
1. Hire some talented software engineers and sort out your crappy software. Issue regular releases that actually fix known issues and add new features. Grow your customer base by focusing on making quality products with great support
2. Keep the status quo. Continue to firefight issues without really fixing them while breaking other aspects of the code at the same time. Continue to get poor reviews that highlight your reputation for cheap but low quality products.
3. Open the source to a community of smart and devoted followers who have the time and knowledge to elevate this product out of "toy" status.

Given your current code is mediocre at best I support the idea of open source. I've been designing real time embedded software, firmware and DSP algorithms for communications equipment for 30 years.  I'd be happy to contribute some time and expertise to further this product.

Author: arturmariojr@gmail.com    Time: 2022-6-10 12:09
Ir would be great having suporte to fix the software of this scope.

Author: Davidalfa    Time: 2022-6-10 14:05
Please comply the GPL and release the kernel sources.

Author: popy5    Time: 2022-6-16 08:33
I bought a DSO2D15 several months ago and, despite the fact that it seems like a good product in relation to what it costs, the truth is that I have come across so many bugs and small problems that honestly, if I had to buy it now, I would opt for another brand.

I have updated the oscilloscope so many times already almost like my android phone... and every time it is updated new bugs appear, so it seems that this will never end until you stop updating them because it is not profitable for you company compared to the sales achieved, with the consequent rejection by frustrated customers who are very likely to choose other brands when they have to purchase new equipment.

I believe that if you would take the step of opening up the software so that other people with experience, enthusiasm and knowledge could contribute to the development of improvements and correction of problems, I sincerely believe that it would be a win-win for current and future buyers as well as for your future sales, as well as boosting your company's reputation as a free software contributor many points.

I sincerely believe that the DSO2000 series has a huge potential yet to be tapped, but it will take a bigger effort to which a lot of really skilled and enthusiastic people can contribute.

Author: Jing    Time: 2022-6-16 23:45
popy5 replied at 2022-6-16 08:33
I bought a DSO2D15 several months ago and, despite the fact that it seems like a good product in rel ...

May I ask what is wrong with your machine.

Author: peppizza    Time: 2022-6-20 19:18
Edited by peppizza at 2022-6-20 19:19

I would also like to see the source code for the firmware of the DSO4xx4C series released as I believe it also uses linux

Author: Xplizit    Time: 2022-6-27 18:18
Hantek, please do the right thing here and provide the source code. It's a win-win situation for all parties here.

Author: popy5    Time: 2022-7-15 09:13
Jing replied at 2022-6-16 23:45
May I ask what is wrong with your machine.

Dear sir,

In my last contact with Hantek support (on January 17 this year) I submitted a series of problems that I encountered in the operation of the oscilloscope. Of all of them the one that I called problem number 7 persists and to which Hantek support kindly answered me.

Specifically and with respect to problem number 7, I told them the following:

"Issue 7) Trigger does not sync well with sine or ramp waves in vertical scale below 2V/div and with low amplitude signals

- Trigger menu type: Edge.
- I inject the Wave Gen signal into any of the channels. If I set the output of the Wave Gen to square or exponential, the trigger works correctly and the signal trace is stable on the screen. But if I select the sine or ramp wave, the sync is lost many times if the amplitude of the signal is low (<1.5V) and the vertical scale is <2V/div.

I suspect that sometimes the trigger jumps between Rising and Either, but only with the sine or ramp signals. Changing the Slope mode to Rising, Falling or Either does not seem to have any effect on stabilizing the trace signal on the screen.

I've tried modifying the trigger level, but it doesn't solve the problem. Neither modifying the frequency seems to have any effect, only the vertical scale and the signal amplitude.

For example, with the vertical scale at 1V/div, 1Khz sine or ramp signal, 1.6V amplitude, the signal is not stable on the screen. It is enough to change the type of wave to square or exponential without changing anything else, and those signals stabilize without problems."

After performing the entire battery of tests that your support department told me to do, my response was as follows:

"Regarding problem 7, unfortunately it still exists. But only when the signal from the generator that I inject into channel 1 or 2 directly (using only one cable), is the sine or ramp wave type, and Volst/div for this channel is less than or equal to 2V.

If maintaining the amplitude level and the frequency, I change to exponential or square type signals, this problem does not occur even though Vols/Divs are set at 2V or below."

And finally on January 27 I receive the following last response from Hantek support about this problem:

"Dear Sir,
You need to replace the power board to solve this problem, but we are going to have a holiday soon, so this power board will not be sent to you until we go to work after the holiday.


In the meantime I sent them my address, but as of today I still haven't received any response and they haven't sent me the board that needs to be replaced. I hope that the problem will be solved before the end of the year...

Author: Jing    Time: 2022-7-15 22:31
Xplizit replied at 2022-6-27 18:18
Hantek, please do the right thing here and provide the source code. It's a win-win situation for all ...

Dear Sir,
Sorry, we don't provide source code?

Author: Jing    Time: 2022-7-15 22:33
popy5 replied at 2022-7-15 09:13
Dear sir,

Dear Sir,
Please send your address and related questions to support@hantek.com again. We will handle it for you.

Author: Davidalfa    Time: 2022-11-26 07:29
Edited by Davidalfa at 2022-11-26 07:34

Let me insist.The GPL license started that if you use GPL code, then you must make your code freely available.

You're using GPL code everywhere, not just for the Linux Kernel, not making it available is a GPL license violation.
Please do the right thing and release the source code.

Author: pin240    Time: 2024-4-30 20:07
When will the sources be available?

Author: driana    Time: 2024-5-20 21:13
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