Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: Hantek 6022BE Problems [Print this page]

Author: CYH2018    Time: 2023-2-6 08:15
Title: Hantek 6022BE Problems
Hi, I'm Javier Sanchez, I'm a professor of professional training from the IES Gregorio Prieto institute www.somosdelprieto.com, I am writing to you because we have acquired 15 Hantek 6022BE oscilloscopes and we all have a problem.
When measuring a 12v battery, the maximum signal indicated by the oscilloscope is 5v, we are using the latest drivers, I would appreciate it if you could tell me what the problem could be and the possible solution since the signals we measure are mostly 12v and some are 5v.
I would appreciate if you could tell me what to do to solve this problem.
Thank you so much
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Author: CYH2018    Time: 2023-2-6 08:22

Dear Sir,

Greeting from Hantek.

This product can only test 5v at most.

Have a nice day.

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