Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: 1000 series consumes too much in idle time and discharge quickly [Print this page]

Author: CYH2018    Time: 2024-5-30 08:12
Title: 1000 series consumes too much in idle time and discharge quickly
Hello. The Hantek to 1000 series consumes too much in idle time and discharge quickly. Would you send me his scheme?

Author: CYH2018    Time: 2024-5-30 08:21
Dear Sir,

Greeting from Hantek.

Could you provide more information as follows

1) Model ?   serial number ?
2) Provide more detailed problem description

Have a nice day.

Author: user4852    Time: 2024-5-30 18:51
Hantek TO1112D CN2239075001651 Consumes energy in off mode and drains the battery in a month

Author: Jing    Time: 7 day(s) ago
user4852 replied at 2024-5-30 18:51
Hantek TO1112D CN2239075001651 Consumes energy in off mode and drains the battery in a month

Dear Sir,
What's the problem with the machine? Can't you turn it on?

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