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Title: Hantek6022 max voltage [Print this page]

Author: ying    Time: 5 day(s) ago
Title: Hantek6022 max voltage
Customer Consultation:

I have used the Ossi severeal times always with controls between 3 and 20 V DC and it's working fine.
Actually I tried to see our sinus form of our electrical net (230V AC) - I am supriesed because of the displayed form... what is wrong? Please see attached screenshot...

Author: ying    Time: 5 day(s) ago

The max measure voltage is -5V~+5V without any attenuation. The max input voltage is 35V, or else maybe damage it.
If you need to measure 230V AC (about peak value is 325V), you need use 100:1 attenuation. Please check specification manual of the device before measure high voltage.


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