Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: Hantek6022BE Driver [Print this page]

Author: Ashok    Time: 2016-1-27 14:03
Title: Hantek6022BE Driver
I've bought Hantek 6022BE and used it whith windows XP and windows 7.

I'm tring to instal in windows 8.1

Acording to install instructions I pluged the 6022BE in USB port. Nothing happens.

I've executed the setup.exe from the CD which came togheter the device.

I've executed the setup.exe get from your product details page.

The softer has installed and lauch whith: searching device... and never found it.

In Windows Device Manager there are  unknow devices.

I'm tried to update its which drivers got from the CD and from your Hantek 6022BE details page.

There is a mensage: "Windows found out the driver

I also  download the Win8 driver for Hantek6022BE from your website:http://www.hantek.com.cn/en/ProductDetail_2_31.html

but the same problem its not working

please help me

Ashok Khachar


Author: ying    Time: 2016-1-27 14:06
Please refer to update the driver of Hantk6022BE for the device.

http://www.eediscuss.com/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D1

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