Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: HANTEK6022BE Question [Print this page]

Author: RogerBailey    Time: 2016-1-27 15:16
Title: HANTEK6022BE Question
I have a Hantek 6022BE which works as described but there are 2 changes I
recommend to improve your software.

1.  Currently one trace is yellow.  Is there any method to change the
colours of the individual traces?  When I print the screen, the yellow
trace is almost invisible.

2. As shown by the file attached to this email, your competitors in the
digital oscilloscope industry have an extra function that enables the
operator to select the display position of the triggering point.
As quoted in the enclosed file ' Marker shows the trigger position.  This
also indicates the horizontal position since the Horizontal Position
control actually moves the trigger position horizontally.'

All the other features are available with your software but the ability to
set the position on the screen to the trigger point as selected by the
operator is a definite advantage which your software lacks.

Page 31 of the Hantek manual states 'If The oscilloscope wants to acquire a
waveform, it collects enough data so that it can draw the waveform to the
left of the trigger point.

Therefore, it seems to me that the only aspect lacking from including this
feature in your software is the selection of the position of the trigger
point by the operator.

Author: Tina    Time: 2016-1-27 15:27
About your questions, I would like to give you an answer.
1. Most of other Hantek oscilloscopes has this function to change the waveform color of channels.
    But because Hantek define HANTEK6022BE as a basic lever for the beginners, it is the product with the cheapest price.
    So some functions have been deleted to lower the cost including this color changing function.
2. It is also for the reason of lower the cost of HANTEK6022BE which is the low-class product.
    It has not been added this function.
If you have these kinds of requirements, please choose other products on the website of Hantek.

Author: jkvarela    Time: 2016-9-8 22:31
"2. It is also for the reason of lower the cost of HANTEK6022BE which is the low-class product.
    It has not been added this function."

Why not? This feature is possible to reach only with adjusts in the software. ...bad ear this,

Author: amy    Time: 2016-9-12 12:02
Please choose other products. They contain more functions.

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