Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: I need help with my Hantek DOS1060 [Print this page]

Author: johnny    Time: 2016-3-5 14:02
Title: I need help with my Hantek DOS1060
Hello, I need some tech support on the Hantek DSO1060. When I push the power button on the display times out after two min.  I understand the purpose  for this function was designed to save power. But this a great inconvenience for the electronic bench work that I do. Can you send me directions on how to disable this function and keep the display always on? I thank you, you have a great product.
Johnny Marino

Author: amy    Time: 2016-3-5 14:04
Dir sir,
Please click "UTILITY->Display->Backlight->Time->Infinite". You can change the backlight time to keep the display always on.

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