Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: DSO-1202B [Print this page]

Author: joao2004    Time: 2016-4-5 21:06
Title: DSO-1202B
Hi, i have an DSO-1202B, the problem is that it randomly turns OFF, especially while making measurements (if it just sits on the bench, it usually won't turn off)

also sometimes while making measurements there is a battery charge indication, but the scope is disconnected from power adapter...

Author: amy    Time: 2016-4-7 14:09
Dear sir,
Please click"UTILITY->System Info" and give me a screenshot to study.
Author: joao2004    Time: 2016-4-8 06:49
here it is...

Author: amy    Time: 2016-4-8 11:27
joao2004 发表于 2016-4-8 06:49
here it is...

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