Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: DSO-2250 Export Measure [Print this page]

Author: slingsline    Time: 2016-8-30 14:16
Title: DSO-2250 Export Measure

Using Hantek DSo-2250 USB V7.1.0.6.  Is there a method to export the screen output for "Measure" to log file for recording?  If not, can this be added?


Author: amy    Time: 2016-8-31 08:48
Sorry to inform that DSO2250 doesn't have this function.
You can know about Hantek365. It can record the data for a variety of measurement types.

Author: slingsline    Time: 2016-8-31 11:36
amy replied at 2016-8-31 08:48
Sorry to inform that DSO2250 doesn't have this function.
You can know about Hantek365. It can  ...


Yes, I am fully aware that the DSO-USB software mentioned previously does not currently support the Measure being exported to log file.  My question was, can this be added?

If the source code for the version 7.1.0.x is open, this could easily be achieved.  Can the source code for this software be obtained for this addition?

Author: amy    Time: 2016-9-1 10:20
Dir sir,
We do not intend to add this function.
The software SDK is provided. You can compile the software by yourself.
Please download the SDK on our official website: http://hantek.com/en/ProductDetail_2_44.html

Author: slingsline    Time: 2016-9-1 12:27
amy replied at 2016-9-1 10:20
Dir sir,
We do not intend to add this function.
The software SDK is provided. You can compile the so ...

Yes, I saw the SDK for both the VB and VC versions.

However, there is problem with this.  This SDK version is not current version of software in use, and is lacking menu options that version 7.1.0.x includes.

Would you be so kind as to provide the SDK for the GUI current version please?

Author: amy    Time: 2016-9-1 17:39
Please download: [attach]1113[/attach]

Author: uxus    Time: 2016-9-2 00:16

Using Hantek DSo-2250 USB V7.1.0.6.
slingsline ,

Could you please share a link to V7.1.0.6?
I see v7.1.0.5 as latest available for download.


Author: slingsline    Time: 2016-9-2 07:54
amy replied at 2016-9-1 17:39
Please download:

This SDK is the same thing already linked to above.  This is not what I am asking for.

This SDK source project compared against the current full version that supports these DSO models can be seen in the attached images.

I am looking to find the source project for the current release, including full menus, with access to the Measure output.

Author: slingsline    Time: 2016-9-2 07:56
uxus replied at 2016-9-2 00:16
slingsline ,

Could you please share a link to V7.1.0.6?

The V7.1.0.6 came on the installation disk provided with the DSO2250 unit.  I did not find it available for download.

Author: amy    Time: 2016-9-2 17:36
Sir ,sorry to inform that we don't provide this part of SDK.

Author: amy    Time: 2016-9-2 17:38
uxus replied at 2016-9-2 00:16
slingsline ,

Could you please share a link to V7.1.0.6?

Sir, please register a username and download the software on this link: http://hantek.com/en/ProductDetail_2_44.html

Author: uxus    Time: 2016-9-3 07:59
amy replied at 2016-9-2 17:38
Sir, please register a username and download the software on this link: http://hantek.com/en/Produ ...

Thank you for updating the downloads.

Author: slingsline    Time: 2016-9-4 05:38
amy replied at 2016-9-2 17:36
Sir ,sorry to inform that we don't provide this part of SDK.

Disappointing that you will not share the source for the full version.

For such a small addition to the software, I am surprised that Hantek cannot meet this request and post a new compiled version that includes this feature.

Besides this one glaring feature omission, very good software otherwise.

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