Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: Hantek DSO5202P vs. Tektronix TDS 360 vs. Rigol DS1054Z [Print this page]

Author: luke    Time: 2016-11-9 09:02
Title: Hantek DSO5202P vs. Tektronix TDS 360 vs. Rigol DS1054Z
I'm having trouble finding enough information to compare the common 200Mhz, 1GSa/s oscilloscopes out there. The comparison chart on the forum seems to almost exclusively list new scopes. I do mostly FPGA work, reverse engineering, and other hobbyist work. I work a lot with board cameras, steppers, servos, PWM signals, I2C, and serial data. I'm trying to figure out which scope has the most features per dollar. In other words, I'm trying to optimize minimal price & highest functionality. I don't care how old or how new the scope is, or what brand it is. I only care about the features/functionality it has. "What can it do that the others can't?"

The Rigol DS1054Z is highly recommended on this forum, but I haven't seen a detailed breakdown of why. I've watched a few videos about it. The positives and negatives as far as I know are:
+ ?? reported to be the best in its price range for unknown reasons
+ 4 channel
- price
- only 100MHz

Tektronix TDS 350/360 pros and cons:
+ common, so parts and troubleshooting should be cheaper/easier and well-documented
+ analog
+ 200MHz, 1GSa/s
+ price
- old?
- signal storage size
What's the list of differences between the TDS 350 and TDS 360? I haven't been able to find anything online to answer that. They seem to have the same specs but the 360 has a floppy drive on the front...

Hantek DSO5202P pros and cons:
+ 200MHz, 1GSa/s
+ price
+ much newer than the TDS 360 but for a similar price
- off-brand??

This is all I know so far. If you have any additional insight it would be much appreciated!

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