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Title: 6104BD Software Vehicle options [Print this page]

Author: Ray    Time: 2018-7-20 13:25
Title: 6104BD Software Vehicle options

Is there a way to have the vehicle option stay there whne I plug my 6104 scope in to the USB port?

Author: amy    Time: 2018-7-24 16:57

Sir, you can save the setup before you close the scope.
And load the setup when you start the scope.

Author: Ray    Time: 2018-8-1 17:07
Hi Amy

But the vehicle button disappears when I plug the scope into the USB port?

Author: QMESAR    Time: 2018-8-1 22:11
But the vehicle button disappears when I plug the scope into the USB port?

What SW are you using ,I am using the 6000 Series Scope SW and it does not have support for the Vehicle (Automotive) setup and test.
The 6000 scopes are also not listed to support Automotive Hmm some confusion here I guess

Author: Ray    Time: 2018-8-2 03:10

The scope and SW works great on a vehicle but we loose the COP probe, Ignition probes when the vehicle option disappears. So is there a way I can have the option with my 6104?

Author: QMESAR    Time: 2018-8-2 12:18
Hi What I am asking you what SW you are using as down loading the 6000 series scope SW (6104 and 6254 etc ) there is no Vehicle functions in this SW
I expect that you are using the SW  package of one of the scope series which is listed as automotive scope ,I am trying to get my hands on this SW as
I have a 1008C scope for vehicle use and a 6254BD scope would be nice if I can use the 6254 also for vehicle diagnostics ,
Where to down load the SW you are using

Author: Ray    Time: 2018-8-2 13:24
This is what the SW gives me with out the 6104 connected
I want the vehicle option to stay when I connect the 6104 to the USB.
Is there a way to do this?

Author: Ray    Time: 2018-8-2 13:25
QMESAR replied at 2018-8-2 12:18
Hi What I am asking you what SW you are using as down loading the 6000 series scope SW (6104 and 625 ...

Thats what I am trying to do

Author: QMESAR    Time: 2018-8-2 14:34
Edited by QMESAR at 2018-8-2 14:36

Hi Ray.

I can not help you with your problem however I am using the 6000 series SW 2.2.2 which is the latest version and I do not have any vehicle functions with or no scope  connected
I would advice you to write to HANTEK support directly with this question as I noticed not much reply on the forum or help for that matter.

Author: QMESAR    Time: 2018-8-7 13:19
Hi .
Is there still support on this forum from HANTEK personal,
It seems there is no more support here ,it is some weeks now and no questions or complains are answered

Author: amy    Time: 2018-9-6 13:20
Sir, the 6004BE series use the same software with the 6004BC/BD, but there firmware is different. Only the 6004BE series have automobile diagnostic function.

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